Janice Rodrigues

Saying a real, reel 'Thank You'


Saying a real, reel 'Thank You'

Shukran Workers is a community initiative to help Dubai's domestic workers - without whose help our lives would be very tough indeed - enjoy a fun-filled evening of food, friends, laughter. and movies!


Friends Forever: In for the Long Run


Friends Forever: In for the Long Run

It's easy to accumulate friends - and yet, having a truly meaningful, long-lasting friendship today is as rare as it is beautiful. So what really makes a relationship stand the test of time? In the spirit of Friendship Day on August 2, some BFFs give us the answer.


Switzerland on wheels


Switzerland on wheels

Experience the very best of Switzerland - snowy mountaintops, lush green fields, and quaint cottages - while nestled in the comfort of its state-of-the-art transport system
